“In any case, the narratives I consumed as a child had a considerable impact on my creative pursuits. Like many of the heroines I read about, I yearned to write, explore, and play. And at 11 years old, a time when childhood feels dangerously close to being over, it was nice to escape into a fantasyland where other preteens could empathize with my yearning for magic, or ‘something more.’” For all of us who wanted to change our names to Matilda as kids! “In addition to offering free fibers to local crafters, Wild Hand also donates yarn to a nearby library and Interim House, a women’s rehabilitation center. Anyone is welcome to add leftover or unused skeins of yarn to the wooden library box. ‘We take donations (from near + far) to keep this sweet library full in addition to the daily donations from our friends and neighbors,’ Wild Hand wrote in an Instagram caption.” I’m here for all these expansions on the Little Free Library. “The thousands of pages of the private journals have never been transcribed and previously used by researchers interested in Tomlinson’s eye-witness accounts of elections in Yorkshire and the Luddites smashing up machinery. But O’Keeffe came across what seemed, for the era of George III, to be a rather startling set of arguments about same-sex relationships.” Looks like someone had some sense in 1810!