The Every Library Institute, a nonprofit organization focused on supporting libraries and library funding around the U.S., has launched their “Help A Librarian Out” (HALO) fund. This fund gives librarians or library workers (or households who have a librarian or library worker) affected by the COVID-19 pandemic a “no strings attached” grant of $250. Every Library Institute is able to provide these grants through their national fundraising effort, individual donors, and generous donations from Awesome Libraries Project and Urban Librarians Unite. This grant is meant to help library workers who’ve experienced job loss and/or significant wage loss due to the pandemic. Grants will given out on a rolling basis as long as funds are available. For more information on eligibility and to fill out your application, go to: For non-librarians who can spare a few dollars, please consider donating at .

Thanks to @EBSCO @brainfuse @zoobeanreads @ULUNYC @AFLibraries for their contributions! Find out more at — everylibrary (@EveryLibrary) April 13, 2020